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Papier de position : Mise à jour de la nouvelle stratégie industrielle européenne

Europe : Propositions de France Industrie pour la mise à jour de la nouvelle stratégie industrielle européenne. Plan :

  1. Viser une approche opérationnelle des écosystèmes
  2. Approfondir la méthodologie de l’analyse des dépendances industrielles
  3. Accélérer les Projets Importants d’Intérêt Européen Communs (PIIECs)

Dispositifs de soutien à l’industrie – France Relance (Version 5-mai 2021)

Document de suivi publié par France Industrie cataloguant les principaux dispositifs de soutien à l’Industrie du Plan de Relance. Ce tableau est régulièrement actualisé par nos équipes.


Mémorandum de collaboration startups technologiques / grandes entreprises

Comment réduire les freins à la contractualisation entre startups deeptech et grands groupes ? En partenariat avec l’INPI et France Industrie, Bpifrance a développé un mémorandum de collaboration, le Deal Mémo Deeptech, pour faciliter les relations entre ces deux acteurs.


Proposal for a Council regulation establishing the Joint Undertakings under Horizon Europe – General considerations

Europe: France Industrie welcomes the proposal for a Council Regulation establishing the Joint Undertakings under Horizon Europe (2021/0048 (NLE)), called the « Single Basic Act ». However, we would like to draw the attention of the Council members to some important transversal considerations for the French manufacturing industry:

  1. Budget: ambition, co-funding and synergies
  2. Role of founding members
  3. Participation of third countries: a lever for growth, subject to conditions
  4. Governance: rebalancing the representation of the private sector

Manifeste des grandes entreprises pour soutenir les startups industrielles – 27 signataires

Les industriels français se mobilisent et s’engagent pour le développement des startups technologiques. Découvrez dans ce document les engagements pris pour répondre concrètement aux besoins exprimés par l’écosystème des startups industrielles.


Consultation on the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)

Europe: France Industrie highlights that the IED provides an efficient legislative framework. It has proven to be effective in reducing industrial emissions through a technical and participatory process involving the industry and other stakeholders. While improvements can be made, there is no emergency to review it. We would support a limited revision that maintains consistency with other Regulations. In addition, the IED would benefit from being implemented in a more harmonized manner among Member States (…).


Answer to the consultation on the Regulation proposal on batteries and waste of batteries 2020/0353(COD)

Europe: France Industrie welcomes the European Commission’s proposal for a regulation and its integrated approach as it will allow much more efficient recycling of batteries used within the European Union. This initiative will also enable the emergence of a genuine European expertise through the development of a competitive and sustainable value chain for batteries in Europe in line with the new EU Industrial Strategy (…)


Contribution to European Data Governance Regulation proposal

Europe: France Industrie welcomes the proposal of the European Commission for a Regulation on European data governance (Data Governance Act – DGA). We share the Commission’s objective to foster the availability of data by increasing trust and strengthening data sharing mechanisms across the EU (…)


Contribution to the EEAG State aid guidelines revision consultation

Europe:  France Industrie welcomes the review of the guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy as it is crucial that competition law provides, in its various branches, significant incentives to achieve the European Green Deal objectives, especially amid the current context of Covid-19 pandemic.

France Industrie stress that non-EU competitors (USA, China) will be heavily supported by their Home States in pursuing their environmental transition, therefore becoming a key competitiveness factor, particularly in the industrial sector. Therefore, EEAG should consider the EU’s global competitiveness rather than the EU internal market only.

Moreover, it should be noted that the fact that certain States or certain companies, European or extra-European, apply a standard lower than European standards would be a source of unfair competition which should be considered (…)
